Digital Logic Systems

David N. Warren-Smith, MSc. South Australia


Intelligence: What it is and How it Works

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  1. Intelligence: What it is and How it Works

  2. Life is change

  3. Definitions of Intelligence taken from Wikipedia

  4. Decisions, Decisions

  5. The Serial Universe

  6. Memory and a decision making ability

  7. Conceptual state machine

  8. State Machines continued

  9. State Machines continued - 2

  10. State Machines are not new

  11. Processes

  12. Mechanisms that comply with the requirements of a state machine 1

  13. Mechanisms that comply with the requirements of a state machine - 2

  14. Some facts about neurons

  15. Some facts about neurons - 2

  16. The multifunction neuron

  17. Comparison between digital circuitry and neuronal circuitry

  18. Some peculiarities of the processes involved in intelligence

  19. Interconnection schemes

  20. What is reality? What is perception?

  21. What is reality? What is perception? - 2

  22. How does the brain code its information?

  23. How does the brain code its information? 2

  24. The streams of pulses in the brain

  25. The streams of pulses in the brain - 2

  26. The streams of pulses in the brain - 3

  27. The streams of pulses in the brain - 4

  28. The streams of pulses in the brain - 5

  29. Some consequences and conclusion

  30. Some consequences and conclusion - 2

  31. References

  32. Addendum

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Last updated:
November 20, 2009 (Friday)